General Compo Rules
- All compos allow multiple entries by the same people.
- You can enter your entry in multiple compos as long as other rules apply.
- The entry must be delivered in a ZIP archive, with filename artist - (even if it's just a single file).
- You can test your productions on the compo machine before the compo.
- Party organizers have the right to publish the compo results, with your name/nick, and all the compo
- Disqualified entries and entries not shown in the compo will not be spread.
- If your entry can not be run on Windows, please include a video capture. If you need assistance with a video
capture the organizers can try to assist you, but please don't leave it at the last minute before
- If your entry is for a fantasy console or some other runtime, make sure to provide an executable. We will
probably not have a reliable internet connection, so if we can't show it with what's in the zip, we
won't show it.
- All entries will be released on after the party.
- Send your remote entries to
Compo Machine
Laptop, AMD Ryzen 7 6800H, GeForce RTX 3070 Ti, 16 GB RAM
Demo Compo
The main demo competition. If you don't have a windows executable, please provide a video capture.
Wild Compo
Have a wild idea for an entry that doesn't fit in any other compo? This is the compo for it!
Anything* goes, be it video, live performance, or whatever you can imagine.
*) Finnish and Swedish laws may apply
Music Compo
Allowed Formats are MP3, FLAC, AAC, MOD, S3M, IT & XM. Maximum length is 4 minutes
Photo / Graphics Compo
Anything that can be shown with the default Windows photo viewer.
Karaoke Compo
Karaoke at the ship's karaoke bar on Friday evening. Karaoke is open for all passengers on the ship and it will be very popular. Be there early to secure your spot. We'll let you know the exact time when the cruise programme is available.